Science Park Skövde

Science Park Skövde is a creative hub for innovation, where we nurture ideas, development, and growth. We offer professional business coaching, startup programs, competence-enhancing activities, and market intelligence to support you, whether you have an idea, a newly started company, or an established business. With focus areas like digitalization, smart industry, and games, which require creativity, innovation, and playfulness, we see ourselves as more than a meeting place. Science Park Skövde is a community and an innovative ecosystem that enables smart and sustainable solutions, digital services, and experiences for the future.

Price levels

From € 4.900
From € 4.900

IRP for Founders

Max participants: 5
Weeks: 5
Instructors: 1
Price: € 4.900


Anna Emanuelsson

March 2024

Anna is a Senior Business Developer with a background in finance and banking. In her present role at Science Park Skövde she is responsible for building strategies, structures and processes in supporting startups and scaleup companies in funding readiness and capital attraction. Anna is responsible for Science Park Skövde Investor Network.

Jimmy Öman

March 2024

Jimmy is a Senior Business Developer at Science Park Skövde, with a primary focus on the Games industry. He was a pioneer in app development, founding and running a Games/App studio in Gothenburg for 10 years. His experience ranges from full production pipeline as a Game Designer and Creative Director, to business development as Head of Strategic Partnerships for larger game companies.

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Contact Science Park Skövde
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