Investment Readiness Process for Founders

For founders who wants to raise external capital

IRP for Founders

IRP for Founders prepares your company for raising external venture capital. It is an effective and structured process carried out with the company’s founders under the guidance of a Certified IRP Instructor. The process includes five two-hour meetings and 8 tasks and takes place over a 5-10 week period and the end result is the IRP Report which you can share online to attract early stage investors. Data shows more than 30% of IRP Certified companies are successful raising capital.

Are you a founder who wants to raise external capital?

You may be right. Or not. The Investment Readiness Process by Beels®, “IRP”, helps you to decide whether or not external capital is the right way to go. If it is, IRP makes the capital acquisition process more efficient and effective by guiding you on creating a unique and competitive investment offer.

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What is the aim of IRP?

The Investment Readiness Process for Founders helps you to:

The goal

Ensure that the founder team are in complete agreement on the company goal and have a well-considered vision and plan for how to achieve the goal.

Reality check

Ensure that the plan is realistic and that it is described in both activities and in financial terms and figures.

Financing plan

Ensure that there is a financing plan for achievement of the goal with acceptable dilution effects for the founders.

Return of investment

Ensure that there is a return defined for the investor, and that it is in line with the founders’ financial goals.

How it works

In between the five meetings, the founders work on the eight tasks included in the process. The IRP instructor leads the meetings, documents the discussions and provides feedback regarding the founders’ input. Video lectures are included, and instructions for the tasks are provided in the IRP tool, the cloud-based tool in which the meetings are documented by the instructor and the tasks are performed by the founders.

What do Founders gain?

LEAD - one of Swedens most respected tech incubators, chose to partner with the by Beels® When I talk to the Business coaches, working as instructors in the Investment Readiness Process by Beels® they say that the biggest value that we really prepare the companies for the whole journey, from the first round to the exit.
Catharina Sandberg
LEAD - a partner to The Investment Readiness Process by Beels®
Great tool to summarize your business idea and capital needs in a short and efficient way. It helps to structure and prepare materials for investors and to explain the company journey. Very useful to make investor offers in a right and attractive way . We highly recommend new companies to go through the IRP process.
Elena Petukhovskaya & Hugo Wikström
Co-Founders of Big Akwa,
Big Akwa
The IRP gave ProPractize a lot of insights in what an investor needs to know in order to make an investment. The process also helped us decide what road we want to take ahead, strategically. ProPractize is now moving forward with a new share issue to be completed this year (2022).
Anton Moström
ProPractize AB
I found the IRP course as structured and valuable as the checklists I use in my other profession as an airline pilot. Great use and will most certainly guarantee a positive outcome!
Joakim Sjölin
SFO British Airways B787 pilot and co-founder of Phystec,
IRP was eye-opener for us! It wasn't just about investment. Before the process we imagined that we knew what we wanted to do. But until everything turned to numbers and graphs, we could not get a clear idea of the amount of work that needed to be done to become a successful business and how much investment was needed to do it. It paved the way for us for the next five years! In my opinion, IRP mee...
Amirhossein Arabzadeh and Salar Mahdavi
Story Blanket
If I hadn't taken the Investment Readiness Process I am not sure if I would have had the confidence in myself to talk to investors. After the Investment Readiness Process we now have a professional board in the company and a few angel investors who have invested in the company. / Pia Nilsson, the CEO and founder of Rolf AB
Pia Nilsson
CEO & Founder,
All entrepreneurs are good at some things, but not everything. The key to success is finding good partnerships. Part of building a company, which all entrepreneurs must at least partially learn, is to understand how customers and investors think. If you want to attract investors, you must have a realistic plan and be able to both describe and follow it. Although I have been a lawyer and entreprene...
Anders Perméus
CEO & Founder,
Pactumize AB
Although we are well experienced business and tech executives, we chose to do an Investment Readiness Process in order to align our expectations and personal goals before meeting with potential investors. Flow Factory closed a successful seed round and we are now growing with small customers as well as big ones like Siemens.
Fredrik Lindqvist
If a founder or a founder team is considering going the Investment Readiness Process or not, My best tip , from one founder to another. Do it. Don’t even think about it. Just make sure that you do this. / Siavoush Mohammadi, founder of Eikolytics AB.
Siavoush Mohammadi
CEO and Founder,
Enklakassan has levered up the investment offer thanks to the IRP tool.
Jörgen Nilsson
It is easy to get carried away in either selling the company or getting money into the company and then you are in the hands of the investors. So the Investment Readiness Process really prepares the entrepreneur for this process and make them able to control and be part of the process. Not only just coming along. Some time after the IRP I decided to sell my company and did so successfully.
Christian Strömblad
Joliv AB
I highly recommend the Investment Readiness Process because in the process you are really held by the IRP instructor and you really come out of it with a great amount of information that is critical for you fundraise.
Tristan Elisabeth Gribbin
CEO and Founder,
Flow Meditation for modern life
A valuable process providing critical insight and perspective into startup investment dynamics, while providing a valuable toolset helping founders engineer their financial runway.
Haitham El-Ella
Founder & CEO,
AdamanT Quanta AB
IRP gave us an understanding of how investors think and calculate. A very complete tool for valuing companies. Our IRP Instructor, Björn Larsson, is very experienced and you learn a lot along the way. Can highly recommend. In addition, it gives investors an understanding of the valuation. I use the material in all our meetings with investors. Without the IRP, we would not have been able to g...
Poyan Sandnell
Founder & CEO,
Catch Me
Gimic has completed IRP, and the process gave us a large amount of knowledge about how investors think and the information and documentation we need.
Marcus Nilsson
Gimic AB
Great tool and exercises to summarize and visualize our path ahead. Can be used both internally and for potential investors.
Jan Bergland
IRP was an effective and well devised process which gave us the knowledge and confidence required for our capital injection. We came out of the process with a clear road map on how we will develop the company and learned the value that we can create for present and future shareholders of Cellfion
Liam Hardey
The investment readiness process helped us gain clarity on our financial plan plus work through and connect each detail of our vision, milestones, goals, and strategy. It also helped drive the whole fundraising process forward, giving us the best possible conditions to go out and raise capital. Would recommend it to anyone who's serious about securing capital!
Sebastian Hallqvist
Holo Health AB
This is an extremely useful and almost crucial tool for any startup planning to raise funding. It follows a very logical and structured process, with the result being a customised investment report that provides the key information and metrics that investors look for in early stage pitch decks.
Thomas Li
Co-founder and CTO,
Chassis Autonomy SBA AB
The participation in this project was very valuable for us, thank you for the opportunity provided!
Anton Taraskin
Lawato OY
IRP gave me the opportunity to make Knowing's first financing offer trustworthy and well-founded.
Klas Ehnemark
Knowing Company
IRP offered a clear, step-by-step process that supported us in developing a detailed and coherent plan forward. It has been helpful for aligning our team and getting ready for our upcoming investment round.
Cedrik Wiberg
Founder and CEO,
Rivus Batteries
Rento Innovations were lucky to join the IRP process with the help of Turku Business Region organization. IRP is very well designed and steered process which gave us huge amount of learnings regarding the "world of investments". We thought that we already knew something about these topics, but soon we realized there was so much more to learn. It was great to create practical estimations during the...
Vesa Nohteri
IRP was instrumental in shaping the future of SkillGround. Not only did it provide a clear roadmap for our work and investment rounds, but it also played a pivotal role in the formation of our business plan. The platform's user-friendly tutorials and processes ensured a seamless experience for us. Most notably, the Financial Design tool was a game-changer, offering invaluable insights into the pot...
Simon Hedberg
Before the Investment Readiness Process we had no experience in this arean and we thought that we would need other people to do this for us. But after the process we are more confident that we can do it ourselves.
Sofi Linnstam
Ineq Solutions AB
IRP has given me and Bazzum completely new insights into how we as a startup company should think and act when it comes to financing. It is with great excitement that we will soon start our financing round. Thank you Björn for a very well completed training. Can highly recommend IRP and Björn Larsson.
Rickard Linetti
Founder & CEO,
Bazzum AB
IRP really accelerated our learning about the investment process and gave support in tailoring our own pitch, all the way from goals and milestones to financial design. The experienced instructor guided the process effectively through theory, practice and workshop discussions that challenged and improved our plan. After completing the IRP we are definitely more aligned within the company and bette...
Torgny Näsholm
The IRP process was extremely useful and efficient in the context of seeking financing. It helped structure and express key points for the audience and investors. Often, entrepreneurs are so deeply immersed in their own business that they may struggle to convey everything they should to their audience, especially in terms of how to communicate effectively. We highly recommend the IRP process for c...
Sari Vuoristo & Jukka Vuoristo
CEO and Founder & CTO and Founder,
Volframi Oy Ltd
With the Investment Readiness Process we became much more investable and it was one of the key pillars for us in getting the investment. We managed to raise the amount that we wanted and from the type of investors we were looking for. / Ramzi Jelazzi, CEO and Founder of Din Psykolog AB
Ramzi Jelazzi
CEO and Founder,
Din Psykolog AB
Upon finishing the IRP we feel well prepared for upcoming investment rounds. Many valuable inputs have been given to us and having the knowledge of how investors think, what questions they might ask, and how to respond to them in a professional way has been crucial at this stage. We're very thankful for this opportunity and look forward to taking Repeak, a digital health platform, to the next leve...
Amar Kadic
I highly recommend to take the Investment Readiness Process at least once in your life, then you can always go back and repeat what you have learned.
Sajib Saha
CEO & co-founder,
Expli Oy
The knowledge of the IRP gave us confidence, we dared to be more demanding when we did our equity round and gave us an idea to do reverse due diligence - we vetted our investors with very successful results.
Maria Bauer och Axel Fors
The reason why we chose to offer IRP for Founders was that when founders meet with investors, they need to build credibility. You need to be able to explain what their money will be used for and what kind of value that will add to the company. Our IRP instructors and I have the same experience regarding the Investment Readiness Process. It’s useful, it’s structured and it really help the founders ...
Naimul Abd
Connect East - a partner to The Investment Readiness Process by Beels®
The IRP helped us create an investment plan and a roadmap for the next 12 months. It has given us the confidence to face investors.
Magnus Engström
CEO & Founder,
Envivo AB
IRP has given us the opportunity to take stock and reflect on how we actually want to build our company. It is well worth the hours it took to complete!
Niklas Ericson
In our opinion, the Investment Readiness Process is the best kickstart you can get on knowledge on the capital raising process before an investment round. You analyze and plan both the practical preparations and how the company can be ready to raise external capital in an efficient way.
Markus Drugge
CEO and co-founder,
Arboair AB
The IRP process with Björn had a massive impact on SeaPattern, extending beyond strategic thinking. It brought together the entire company to think like an investor, meticulously evaluating every single angle, from company valuation and pitch preparation to successfully navigating through seed rounds. This transformative approach infused a new level of strategic foresight and diligence throughout ...
Niklas Boman
CEO & Founder,
The difference before and after the Investment Readiness Process is like the difference between day and night. Without going through the process I think we still would be wondering what kind of investors we would like to even consider contacting and aslo what strategy would be best to please them.
Stefan Spulber
Co-founder and Senior researcher at Karolinska Institutet,
NorthernLights Diagnostics AB
With the Investment Readiness Process we ended up with a very professional presentation. The presentation was clear and not complicated. It was understandable. That was quite some steps forward for us.
Tom Austad
CEO and Founder,
Oculaudio AS
The Investment Readiness Process was an intense development program where you learned a lot in a short time. After doing the IRP we have a greater sense of security in the journey ahead regarding raising capital thanks to a better overview of our capital need and what is required to get where we want.
Marcus Eng
CEO & Founder,
Anatomia Tech
The IRP with Beels has really got us on the right track, both in terms of the investors journey but also from a business perspective. We have learned a lot in a short period of time that will be very useful in our continued work with FairPlay. We think the IRP tool is an easy to use and innovative way to learn how to mitigate both small and big challenges that can arise on your business journey. N...
Gabriel Sauma
The Investment Readiness Process helped us in several ways in the start-up phase of our company building. The quantitative aspect helped us to understand our situation financially and how the different financing options and possible outcomes affect us as owners over a longer horizon. The more qualitative parts, together with Björn's in-depth knowledge, also helped us as a management team to better...
Gustav Bengtsson
Supernormal AB
In the current investment round for our company, the issue of valuation has been raised a number of times. Having completed an IRP, and with the support of the documentation it produced, it is much easier to explain, in a credible manner, how we have arrived at our valuation.
Jacob Kihlbaum
Binary Brains AB

The result

The result of The Investment Readiness Process is that the founders are well prepared for a capital acquisition process and have a well-considered and agreed investment offer with value-driving factors, strategic activity plan, milestones, financial forecast, exit strategy, valuation model and investment design, including total capital requirement, pre-money valuations, dilution effect for the founders and potential return for the investors. After an IRP, the founder team has a well-considered and agreed investment offer and everything is summoned in the company’s IRP Report. 

The IRP Report includes:

What our clients say

Data shows more than 30% of the IRP Certified companies are successful raising capital. Listen to some of the references we got from our IRP certified companies, and check out our references page to see all certified companies.

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Siavoush Mohammadi
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Flow Meditation for modern life
Tristan Elisabeth Gribbin
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FineCell Sweden AB
Jonatan Henschen
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Ineq Solutions AB
Sofi Linnstam
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Ender Turing
Olena Iosiova
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Niclas Söör

IRP Partners

Business Turku

Incubator offering IRP for single company
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored


IRP for Founders
Value: From € 6,000

Hockeystick Impact AS

IRP for Founders a single company

Uminova Innovation

Incubator offering IRP for founders
Value: € 4.900
Price: Included for a selection of the companies in our incubation program

Beels Consulting AB

IRP for founders with: Björn Larsson
Value: € 6.000

SSE Business Lab

Incubator offering IRP for founders
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored for SSE companies


Incubator offering IRP for founders
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored for LEAD companies


IRP for single company
Value: € 4.900

Connect East

Investor Network and Accelerator
Value: Up to € 4.900
Depending on program


IRP for Founders
Value: € 4.900


IRP for single company
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored for incubated companies

Palmer Insights

IRP for Single company and IRP in Group
Value: € 4.900


IRP for Founders
Value: 6.000

Kista Science City

IRP for Scaleups
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored for scaleups in our program

Andershed Stil AB

IRP for single company with Fredrik Andershed
Value: €4900


Incubator offering IRP for single company
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored for incubated startups

Kalmar Science Park

Incubator offering IRP for single company
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored


IRP for Founders - Single company
Value: € 4.900

Science Park Skövde

IRP for single company from € 4.900
Value: € 4.900
Possibilities for companies within Science Park Skövde startup program to get 100 % of the price sponsored.


IRP for single company
Value: Up to € 4.900
100 % sponsored for incubator companies

ScaleUp Lab

IRP for Founders
Value: € 6.000

Blekinge Business Incubator

IRP for Founders
Value: €4.900
100% sponsored in our scale-up program

Digitalwell Ventures

Accelerator offering IRP in group
Value: € 4.900
100% sponsored

eHealth Arena

IRP for single company within the eHealth sector
Value: € 4.900

Get in touch

Interested in doing The Investment Readiness Process for Founders?  Contact one of the IRP Partners directly to get started!

Money to the makers

Beels Consulting enables more and better investment deals between startup founders and angel investors. We offer pedagogic learning solutions in combination with software tools to enhance knowledge and to support the investment process for both startup founders and angel investors. Our mission is to provide value to our customers with a SaaS B2B licens business model, which means there is no commission or cut on the investment capital, hence Money to the makers.

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