Get full access to both IRP Angel Training and IRP Tool for investors with unlimited number of evaluations for 12 months.
You will understand the high-risk / high-reward investment landscape and gain benefits like:
You will evaluate investment opportunities in startups consistently and time efficient to make the best investment decision possible::
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
To invest in high risk / high reward
The venture world
Being an angel investor
Heart, brain or gut feeling
What’s your investment profile? Investment goals
Investment capacity
Investment assets
IRP Tool
A: Investment profile
Design your own Investment profile
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
The Investment Strategy - part 1
Why do you invest and in what?
The Absolut Criteria strategy
How do other investors think?
Expected return and the investment portfolio strategy
The Investment Strategy - part 2
Your assets
Risk Mitigation by syndication
Relative Criteria
IRP Tool
B: Investment strategy
Design your own Investment strategy
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
How to attract and filter deal flow
Types of risk capital
Investment objects or “deal flow”
Deal flow generation
IRP Tool
C: Your investment plan
Design your own Investment plan
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
The investment process
Investment funnel and filtering methods
Absolute criteria
Pitch deck format
Relative criteria
IRP Tool
Tool 1: Evaluate the pitch
Practice on a demo startup
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
Exit strategies
Risk level
How to sell your shares
Partial Due Diligence
Interview technique
Tech, Market & Team approach
Success factors
IRP Tool
Tool 2: Interview founders
Review the demo startup
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
Risk v.s Potential
Potential: Business goals and plan
Risk: Due Diligence evaluation areas
Evaluation & Due Diligence methods
The KTH Innovation Readiness Level™ The VTI Method inspired by STOAF
The IRP Due Diligence Tool
Risk assessment and Expected reward
IRP Tool
Tool 3: Due Diligence
Practice on a demo startup
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
Basic Financial Analysis
Financial forecasts analysis
Financial sensitivity analysis
Types of financially sensitive companies
IRP Tool
Tool 4: Financial Analysis
Practice on a demo startup
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
Exit strategies and valuations
Funding questions
Exits and valuations
Valuation parameters
Financial metrics
Valuation methods
The Berkus Method
DCF valuation Method
The Market Multiple approach
The VC method
IRP Tool
Tool 5: Exit strategi and fictitious valuation
Practice on a demo startup
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
Funding questions
Number of rounds
How much capital in each round
Expected return v.s. risk
Financial design
Existing share holders
Potential exit valuation and total capital
Different types of external capital
Pre money and post money valuations
Understanding dilution effects
Your potential return
IRP Tool
Tool 6: Financial design
Practice on a demo startup
Johanna Palmér and Björn Larsson
Syndication & Legal
Documentation check list
Types of agreements
Investment Object follow up
Being a supportive owner
Board work
Advisory board
Standard CEO reports
IRP Tool
Tool 7: Checklist
Tool 8: Syndication & Legal
IRP Summary and decision
Practice on a demo startup
Do you want to prepare for raising or investing capital and are interested in doing The Investment Readiness Process? Or maybe you have a question about the content or the process? Feel free to contact us!
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